
Forum: EmbDev.net My thread was removed: AVR vs. PIC

von Flamer (Guest)

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Why was my thread "AVR vs. PIC" removed? I have created the thread in 
Offtopic! I thought that we could write about anything in the offtopic 
forum including the topic AVR vs. PIC!

von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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You can write about almost anything. One of the things you can't write 
is a post with the only intention of starting a senseless flamewar.

von Flamer (Guest)

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I am very disappointed :). The flamewar threads are the most 
interesting/funniest threads... And I created the topic deliberately in 
"Offtopic" not in "Microcontrollers" :(

Maybe the admin should write what is allowed in the Offtopic and what 

von Lupin (Guest)

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Lets just discuss here what is better.

I think AVR is better, PIC is lame. AVR got a free GCC compiler, PIC got 
memory banks and weird assembler code. AVR instruction set is mostly 
single cycle (MHz = MIPS), PIC got multiple cycles per instructions (i 
think at least 4 cycles).

von ... (Guest)

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there are some with a short ..., and some with a long ...!

Thats it,

it does only matter, that you are using the most suitable tool to reach 
our solution! Thats my opinion :)

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