
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Zylin Plugin

von Howie M. (howiem)

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I am bringing up the Yagarto ARM-GCC environment for use with an Atmel
SAM-ICE and AT91-SAM7X card.  I have the Yagarto tools and Eclipse
installed, but I do not seem to have the Zylin plugin.

The instructions found in http://www.yagarto.de/howto/jlink/index.html
refer to the Zylin plugin, but I do not see obvious instructions how to
get it.  The zylin web site has some products for sale, but I don't see
the plugin download there either.

Please help me find the Zylin plugin.  Otherwise, I may not be able to
debug my target board.

Thank you.
Howie Meyerson
Abbott Laboratories = Hematology
Santa Clara, CA

von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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Howie Meyerson wrote:
> I am bringing up the Yagarto ARM-GCC environment for use with an Atmel
> SAM-ICE and AT91-SAM7X card.  I have the Yagarto tools and Eclipse
> installed, but I do not seem to have the Zylin plugin.
> The instructions found in http://www.yagarto.de/howto/jlink/index.html
> refer to the Zylin plugin, but I do not see obvious instructions how to
> get it.  The zylin web site has some products for sale, but I don't see
> the plugin download there either.
> Please help me find the Zylin plugin.  Otherwise, I may not be able to
> debug my target board.
> Thank you.
> Howie Meyerson
> Abbott Laboratories = Hematology
> Santa Clara, CA
> howard.meyerson@abbott.com

Here: http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html

Follow the instructions, you download and install it from within
Eclipse: Help->Software Updates...

ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

von Howie M. (howiem)

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Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
> Howie Meyerson wrote:
>> I am bringing up the Yagarto ARM-GCC environment for use with an Atmel
>> SAM-ICE and AT91-SAM7X card.  I have the Yagarto tools and Eclipse
>> installed, but I do not seem to have the Zylin plugin.
>> The instructions found in http://www.yagarto.de/howto/jlink/index.html
>> refer to the Zylin plugin, but I do not see obvious instructions how to
>> get it.  The zylin web site has some products for sale, but I don't see
>> the plugin download there either.
>> Please help me find the Zylin plugin.  Otherwise, I may not be able to
>> debug my target board.
>> Thank you.
>> Howie Meyerson
>> Abbott Laboratories = Hematology
>> Santa Clara, CA
>> howard.meyerson@abbott.com
> Here: http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html
> Follow the instructions, you download and install it from within
> Eclipse: Help->Software Updates...
> regards,
> Giovanni
> ---
> ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

Hi Giovanni,

Thanks for your help.  I followed those instructions and got a little
further.  At first, I go an error that the update could not find the
repository, but I got around that by temporarily disabling my firewall.
Then eclipse seemed OK with it, but I'm still not sure the CDT for GDB
debugging is really working.

In the Atmel instructions for GNU-based software development, it says I
should see "Embedded Debug (Native)" as one of the choices in the Debug
Configuration, but that still doesn't show up.  I think the Zylin CDT
was to have provided this configuration to gdb.

What do you think?

Happy New Year!


von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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Howie Meyerson wrote:
> Thanks for your help.  I followed those instructions and got a little
> further.  At first, I go an error that the update could not find the
> repository, but I got around that by temporarily disabling my firewall.
> Then eclipse seemed OK with it, but I'm still not sure the CDT for GDB
> debugging is really working.
> In the Atmel instructions for GNU-based software development, it says I
> should see "Embedded Debug (Native)" as one of the choices in the Debug
> Configuration, but that still doesn't show up.  I think the Zylin CDT
> was to have provided this configuration to gdb.
> What do you think?
> Happy New Year!
> Howie.

Happy new year to you too :)

Yes, indeed you should see "Zylin Embedded debug (Cygwin)" and "Zylin
Embedded debug (native)" under "Debug Configurarions...". BTW, you
should use the correct one, "Native" for the YAGARTO toolchain and
"Cygwin" for the toolchains compiled under Cygwing or you will have
problems with paths.

Are you sure the plugin is installed? it is not enough that repository
shows in the list, you have to select it and press the "Install..."

If it is correctly installed you should see "Zylin Embedded CDT" under
"Help"->"Software Updates..."->"Installed Software".

ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

von Howie M. (howiem)

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Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
> Howie Meyerson wrote:
>> Thanks for your help.  I followed those instructions and got a little
>> further.  At first, I go an error that the update could not find the
>> repository, but I got around that by temporarily disabling my firewall.
>> Then eclipse seemed OK with it, but I'm still not sure the CDT for GDB
>> debugging is really working.
>> In the Atmel instructions for GNU-based software development, it says I
>> should see "Embedded Debug (Native)" as one of the choices in the Debug
>> Configuration, but that still doesn't show up.  I think the Zylin CDT
>> was to have provided this configuration to gdb.
>> What do you think?
>> Happy New Year!
>> Howie.
> Happy new year to you too :)
> Yes, indeed you should see "Zylin Embedded debug (Cygwin)" and "Zylin
> Embedded debug (native)" under "Debug Configurarions...". BTW, you
> should use the correct one, "Native" for the YAGARTO toolchain and
> "Cygwin" for the toolchains compiled under Cygwing or you will have
> problems with paths.
> Are you sure the plugin is installed? it is not enough that repository
> shows in the list, you have to select it and press the "Install..."
> button.
> If it is correctly installed you should see "Zylin Embedded CDT" under
> "Help"->"Software Updates..."->"Installed Software".
> Giovanni
> ---
> ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net


The Zylin plugin is not installed.  I went back to the Software Updates
page, but the repository is again not being found, even with my Windows
firewall turned off.  Do you know if that web site is still active?

From an Internet Explorer, I can visit the
"http://www.zylin.com/zylincdt/"; web site, which displays this message:
"See http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html for instructions on how to
install Zylin Embedded CDT."
I cannot get the Refresh to work from the Software Updates and Manage
Sites screens within Eclipse.


von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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Howie Meyerson wrote:
> Giovanni,
> The Zylin plugin is not installed.  I went back to the Software Updates
> page, but the repository is again not being found, even with my Windows
> firewall turned off.  Do you know if that web site is still active?
> From an Internet Explorer, I can visit the
> "http://www.zylin.com/zylincdt/"; web site, which displays this message:
> "See http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html for instructions on how to
> install Zylin Embedded CDT."
> I cannot get the Refresh to work from the Software Updates and Manage
> Sites screens within Eclipse.
> Thanks,
> Howie.

I just retested it, it is working.

Are you behind a proxy? if so you configure eclipse to use the proxy
when accessing the files via HTTP.
I had to do that on my corporate workstation because we are behind a
central proxy there.

The proxy can be configured in


von Howie M. (howiem)

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Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
> Howie Meyerson wrote:
>> Giovanni,
>> The Zylin plugin is not installed.  I went back to the Software Updates
>> page, but the repository is again not being found, even with my Windows
>> firewall turned off.  Do you know if that web site is still active?
>> From an Internet Explorer, I can visit the
>> "http://www.zylin.com/zylincdt/"; web site, which displays this message:
>> "See http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html for instructions on how to
>> install Zylin Embedded CDT."
>> I cannot get the Refresh to work from the Software Updates and Manage
>> Sites screens within Eclipse.
>> Thanks,
>> Howie.
> I just retested it, it is working.
> Are you behind a proxy? if so you configure eclipse to use the proxy
> when accessing the files via HTTP.
> I had to do that on my corporate workstation because we are behind a
> central proxy there.
> The proxy can be configured in
> Window->Preferences->Genral->NetworkConnections.
> regards,
> Giovanni


Yes.  The proxy was the issue.  I got some help setting the proxy info
and I have now got the Zylin plugin installed!  I verified that a native
embedded Debug Configuration could be created.  I have some debug
issues, but I'll investigate further and save that for another thread.

Thanks again for your help!


von Lucas B. (lucasbrdesa)

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Howie Meyerson wrote:
> Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
>> Howie Meyerson wrote:
>>> Giovanni,
>>> The Zylin plugin is not installed.  I went back to the Software Updates
>>> page, but the repository is again not being found, even with my Windows
>>> firewall turned off.  Do you know if that web site is still active?
>>> From an Internet Explorer, I can visit the
>>> "http://www.zylin.com/zylincdt/"; web site, which displays this message:
>>> "See http://www.zylin.com/embeddedcdt.html for instructions on how to
>>> install Zylin Embedded CDT."
>>> I cannot get the Refresh to work from the Software Updates and Manage
>>> Sites screens within Eclipse.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Howie.
>> I just retested it, it is working.
>> Are you behind a proxy? if so you configure eclipse to use the proxy
>> when accessing the files via HTTP.
>> I had to do that on my corporate workstation because we are behind a
>> central proxy there.
>> The proxy can be configured in
>> Window->Preferences->Genral->NetworkConnections.
>> regards,
>> Giovanni
> Giovanni,
> Yes.  The proxy was the issue.  I got some help setting the proxy info
> and I have now got the Zylin plugin installed!  I verified that a native
> embedded Debug Configuration could be created.  I have some debug
> issues, but I'll investigate further and save that for another thread.
> Thanks again for your help!
> Howie.

Hi Giovanni,

I follow what you sad and I'm Installed Zylin 4.5.1 but now I'm having
some problens in Debug process the error is " No source avaible for" as
i atthached, you have any idea how can i solve this problem, thank in


von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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Lucas Borges wrote:
> I follow what you sad and I'm Installed Zylin 4.5.1 but now I'm having
> some problens in Debug process the error is " No source avaible for" as
> i atthached, you have any idea how can i solve this problem, thank in
> advance.
> Lucas

Did you specify the debug options on the compiler command line ? It
should be -ggdb if I remember well. Without that the debugger cannot
locate the source files and the line numbers for breakpoints.

ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

von Lucas B. (lucasbrdesa)

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Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
> Lucas Borges wrote:
>> I follow what you sad and I'm Installed Zylin 4.5.1 but now I'm having
>> some problens in Debug process the error is " No source avaible for" as
>> i atthached, you have any idea how can i solve this problem, thank in
>> advance.
>> Lucas
> Did you specify the debug options on the compiler command line ? It
> should be -ggdb if I remember well. Without that the debugger cannot
> locate the source files and the line numbers for breakpoints.
> Giovanni
> ---
> ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

Giovanni I put this command in the copiler command as i atthached, the
text Using Source Tools for AT91SAM7S Cross Development wrote by James
P. Lynch tell about it and every configuration you need to do, i follow
everything but i think that He forgot to tell something or i have some
problem that i did'd find out.

von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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Lucas Borges wrote:
> Giovanni I put this command in the copiler command as i atthached, the
> text Using Source Tools for AT91SAM7S Cross Development wrote by James
> P. Lynch tell about it and every configuration you need to do, i follow
> everything but i think that He forgot to tell something or i have some
> problem that i did'd find out.


I just saw your post in the other thread, it seems that your program
crashes for some reason at the location 0x6c010000 (not in ram nor in
flash space). For some reason you program jumps there and is trapped
with a bus error.

No source means that there is no source associated with code at that
location and the debugger has nothing to show.

I would verify if the flash is correctly programmed. You should also
show me the commands in the "main", "commands", "source" and "common"
tabs, the panel you show me seems to be correct. If you want I can show
you the configuration I use with the SAM7X256, the SAM7S should be very
similar or equal.

ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

von Lucas B. (lucasbrdesa)

Attached files:

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Giovanni Di Sirio wrote:
> Lucas Borges wrote:
>> Giovanni I put this command in the copiler command as i atthached, the
>> text Using Source Tools for AT91SAM7S Cross Development wrote by James
>> P. Lynch tell about it and every configuration you need to do, i follow
>> everything but i think that He forgot to tell something or i have some
>> problem that i did'd find out.
> Hello,
> I just saw your post in the other thread, it seems that your program
> crashes for some reason at the location 0x6c010000 (not in ram nor in
> flash space). For some reason you program jumps there and is trapped
> with a bus error.
> No source means that there is no source associated with code at that
> location and the debugger has nothing to show.
> I would verify if the flash is correctly programmed. You should also
> show me the commands in the "main", "commands", "source" and "common"
> tabs, the panel you show me seems to be correct. If you want I can show
> you the configuration I use with the SAM7X256, the SAM7S should be very
> similar or equal.
> Giovanni
> ---
> ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net


Below I wrote somethigs that i put in the debug configuration, but I
the commands. If you could show me your configuration i would like.

Project Optional: demo_at91sam7_blink_flash
C/C++ Application: main.out

Initalize Commands:
target remote localhost:2331

Run Commands
monitor reset
monitor speed 30
monitor speed auto
monitor long 0xffffff60 0x00320100
monitor long 0xfffffd44 0xa0008000
monitor long 0xfffffc20 0xa0000601
monitor sleep 100
monitor long 0xfffffc2c 0x00480a0e
monitor sleep 200
monitor long 0xfffffc30 0x7
monitor sleep 100
monitor long 0xfffffd08 0xa5000401
set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024
set remote memory-write-packet-size fixed
set remote memory-read-packet-size 1024
set remote memory-read-packet-size fixed
symbol-file main.out

von Lucas B. (lucasbrdesa)

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> Hello,
> Below I wrote somethigs that i put in the debug configuration, but I
> Attached
> the commands. If you could show me your configuration i would like.
> Main
> Project Optional: demo_at91sam7_blink_flash
> C/C++ Application: main.out
> Commands
> Initalize Commands:
> target remote localhost:2331
> Run Commands
> monitor reset
> monitor speed 30
> monitor speed auto
> monitor long 0xffffff60 0x00320100
> monitor long 0xfffffd44 0xa0008000
> monitor long 0xfffffc20 0xa0000601
> monitor sleep 100
> monitor long 0xfffffc2c 0x00480a0e
> monitor sleep 200
> monitor long 0xfffffc30 0x7
> monitor sleep 100
> monitor long 0xfffffd08 0xa5000401
> set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024
> set remote memory-write-packet-size fixed
> set remote memory-read-packet-size 1024
> set remote memory-read-packet-size fixed
> symbol-file main.out
> continue

Hello Giovanni

I tried to debug another program and now i get success, I think that the
problem was the hardware I'm using, perhaps the AT91SAM7S256 can't be
used to debug the program done by James P. Lynch, because I'm used a
program specified to AT91SAM7S256 and worked. What do you think about?
Thank you in advance for any help you provide me.


von Giovanni D. (gdisirio)

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> I tried to debug another program and now i get success, I think that the
> problem was the hardware I'm using, perhaps the AT91SAM7S256 can't be
> used to debug the program done by James P. Lynch, because I'm used a
> program specified to AT91SAM7S256 and worked. What do you think about?
> Thank you in advance for any help you provide me.
> Lucas

It is possible that the problem was related to the sample application
(things like PLL initialization, stack size, startup code etc) rather
than the debugger setup.

Anyway I am glad now you have a base to work on, the first step is
always the hardest one.

ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net

von tushar (Guest)

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 I'm unable to download zylin cdt as some of the component is missing 
please provide link if there is any new version of cdt is available.


Thanks &regards

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