What happened to the Internal Builder option (managed make) in the current version of Eclipse for C/C++ developers ("Ganymede")? The managed build plugin is in there, but the only option when creating a new project is to use the Makefile Project type. In the C/C++ Build options dialog, External Builder is the only option. Is there some other plug-in required to enable used of the managed build system? [ If I import an old Eclipse project that used the managed build system into the current version, then it appears to work. I just can't create new projects using the internal builder. ]
Are you sure that this is the most appropriate forum for this question? This is not the Eclipse CDT project. Your question should perhaps be directed at http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/
Clifford Slocombe wrote: > Are you sure that this is the most appropriate forum for this question? > This is not the Eclipse CDT project. Your question should perhaps be > directed at http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ You are absolutely right. Michael Fischer, perhaps you can add that link to your yagarto support page. (Or more specifically, http://www.eclipse.org/newsportal/thread.php?group=eclipse.tools.cdt ) In regards to my question, the reason the managed make options were not appearing was because I did not have the MinGW toolchain (or other supported toolchain) installed. It is possible to use the managed make features with yagarto and WinARM once Eclipse finds a "valid" GCC toolchain. - J
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