
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools WinArm + LPC2368

von Stanko N. (stan1987)

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Hi all,

I was trying to compile an application for the LPC2368 and create a
binary however I'm missing a makefile that could help me do this. Is
there a way to download a makefile for LPC2368 somewhere?

Also, I'm new to the whole makefile thing and I've had a look at one of
the provided makefiles with a WinArm example where output file can be
chosen as .hex, .bin, etc. Does this mean I can create a bin file by
simply modifying that line of the makefile if my default LPC2368
makefile (when I find one) creates a hex for example?

I'd appreciate any help :-)



von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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Stanko Nedic wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to compile an application for the LPC2368 and create a
> binary however I'm missing a makefile that could help me do this. Is
> there a way to download a makefile for LPC2368 somewhere?
> Also, I'm new to the whole makefile thing and I've had a look at one of
> the provided makefiles with a WinArm example where output file can be
> chosen as .hex, .bin, etc. Does this mean I can create a bin file by
> simply modifying that line of the makefile if my default LPC2368
> makefile (when I find one) creates a hex for example?

Yes, the option in at the beginning of the makefile is just used to
select a parameter to objcopy. See here for further information:
There is no magic in this, just read a little bit and you will
understand. This is not related to a specific controller(LPC23xx).

In some of the newer examples I have implemented an option "both" in the
makefile which just leads to two calls of objcopy to generate Intel-Hex
(".hex") and raw-binary (".bin") from the elf-file.

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