
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Option to generate '.asm' for '.c' files

von Vinit B. (vinitbidkar)

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Environment details:

make:                3.18
binutils:            2.18
arm-elf-gcc:         4.2.2
newlib:              1.16.0

Question: What is the option to be passed to the compiler to make it
generate the '.asm' for the files he compiles?

von Vinit B. (vinitbidkar)

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Vinit Bidkar wrote:
> Environment details:
> make:                3.18
> binutils:            2.18
> arm-elf-gcc:         4.2.2
> newlib:              1.16.0
> Question: What is the option to be passed to the compiler to make it
> generate the '.asm' for the files he compiles?

I have found the answer to my question. Its -S for generating the .s
files using      arm-elf-gcc

But this is a raw format and no symbols are present in the file.

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