I'm starting to program the ATMEL ARM AT91SAM7SE512. I decided to use the Crossworks development tool. ATMEL has for IAR a full libary AT91 for PWM, SPI, USB, PIO, SRAM, etc. Is there also a library available for Crossworks?
Hello Mischa, I think there is no library specially for CrossWorks available. But ATMEL had a GCC port, and CrossWorks use the GCC compiler too. Here I use CrossWorks myself too and could build an application by using the ATMEL framework, e.g USB framework with SAM7S256. Best regards, Michael
Hello Michael I have downloaded the .c and .h files from the ATMEL homepage. But how can I implement it in Crossworks? I have also installed the GCC compiler, but where can I choose the make file in Crossworks? Best regards, Mischa
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