I am trying to store byte arrays in SDRAM, but byte write accesses swap byte order. If anybody knows what to do in order to eliminate this byte swapping, I will appreciate help. This is a simple code that should work well but is working wrong: //array is stored in SDRAM uint8_t array[4]; array[0] = 0xAA; array[1] = 0xBB; array[2] = 0xCC; array[3] = 0xDD; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { print_hex(array[i]); } ...and the output will be: BB AA DD CC instead of expected: AA BB CC DD As you see, bytes are swapped within each half-word read back from SDRAM. The same happens when I use PDC writes (for example byte-after-byte transfers from UART) - bytes in halfwords are swapped too. When I write half-words or words to SDRAM, I read back bytes in expected order uint32_t aVariable = 0xDDCCBBAA; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)&aVariable; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { print_hex(ptr[i]); } ...the output will be as expected AA BB CC DD Byte swapping effect doesn't appear when array was placed in internal SRAM. 16-bit half-word and 32-bit word accesses (writes and reads) to SDRAM are totally OK and symmetrical. I run program form SDRAM, so probably SDRAM config is OK. Byte swapping appears even when I slowed down the MCK clock from ~100MHz to ~50MHz This is my hardware configuration: MCU: AT91SAM9260 SDRAM chip: Samsung K4S280432 (8Mx16) Board: 2-layer, my design, all VDDs decoupled with 100n, lines are as short as possible (SDRAM under the MCU) SDRAM config: 1 chip, 16-bit data bus, connections exactly as in AT91SAM9260 datasheet (1-chip 16-bit option) MCU --- SDRAM D15-D0 D15-D0 A0 DQML A2-11 A0-A9 SDA10 A10 BA0 BA0 BA1 BA1 SDCKE SDCKE SDCK SDCK NBS1 DQMH RAS RAS CAS CAS SDWE WE SDCS_NCS1 CS My SDRAM CR init is: AT91C_BASE_SDRAMC->SDRAMC_CR = AT91C_SDRAMC_NC_9 | AT91C_SDRAMC_NR_12 | AT91C_SDRAMC_CAS_2 | AT91C_SDRAMC_NB_4_BANKS | AT91C_SDRAMC_DBW_16_BITS | AT91C_SDRAMC_TWR_2 | AT91C_SDRAMC_TRC_7 | AT91C_SDRAMC_TRP_2 | AT91C_SDRAMC_TRCD_2 | AT91C_SDRAMC_TRAS_5 | AT91C_SDRAMC_TXSR_8; rest of the config is the same as in SDRAM appnote Regards, Robert
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