
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools make crash once a while

von Jens A. (alsig)

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I'm using WinARM (Version 20070505) and sometime make crashes. It always
happen right after the "Size After" print out. The make command doesn't
have any parameters, it is simply "make". The makefile is a minor
modified standard winarm makefile. I've added my own files and changed a
bit in the include path but besides that nothing. I use newlib and

The build doesn't fail, a hex file is genereted.

From mu console:

Creating Symbol Table: AutoPilot.sym
arm-elf-nm -n AutoPilot.elf > AutoPilot.sym

Size after:

abnormal program termination
zsh: fork failed: no child processes
make: *** [sizeafter] Error 1

It doesn't happen every time and it seams that there isn't a pattern in
the crashes. I can rerun the make command and get a successful build.

Anybody have a solution/hint/advice/...?


von Jens A. (alsig)

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I just discovered that it also sometimes happens at the "Size before"
print out...


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