
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools STR9 ld-file anomalies

von Dan M. (gorlash)

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Okay, I've gone back to building with gcc calling ld, vs calling ld
I'm using Yagarto 20080408.

If I have this in SECTIONS:
    /* the program code is stored in the .text section, which goes to
Flash */
    .text :
       . = ALIGN(4);

        *(.text)                   /* remaining code */
        *(.text.*)                 /* remaining code */
        *(.rodata)                 /* read-only data (constants) */

       . = ALIGN(4);
       _etext = .;
       /* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .data
secion */
    } >FLASH

    /* .data section which is used for initialized data */
    /* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .data
secion */
    _sidata = .;
    .data : AT (_sidata)
       . = ALIGN(4);
        /* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .data
secion */
        _sdata = . ;


       . = ALIGN(4);
       /* This is used by the startup in order to initialize the .data
secion */
       _edata = . ;
    } >DATA
My build fails:
c:/yagarto/bin/arm-elf-gcc -Todu-gnuarm.ld -Wall -I. -Iinclude
-gdwarf-2 -MD -DGNUARM -mcpu=arm9e -std=c99 -mlittle-endian -Os -g
-Wl,-Map=odu.map,--cref,--no-warn-mismatch,-static startup/91x_initga.o
main.o 91x_it.o feprom.o atmel_flash_memory.o Internal_flash_memory.o
source/91x_adc.o source/91x_caps.o source/91x_gpio.o source/91x_lib.o
source/91x_rtc.o source/91x_uart.o source/91x_vic.o source/91x_wdg.o
source/91x_fmi.o source/91x_scu.o source/91x_emi.o source/91x_dma.o  -o
section .data [0002cf48 -> 0002db77] overlaps section .init [0002cf48 ->
section .fini [0002cf68 -> 0002cf83] overlaps section .data [0002cf48 ->
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [odu.elf] Error 1

However, if I change it to
   .data : /* collect all initialized .data sections that go into RAM
It builds successfully!!
So what's the difference??  Does omitting the "AT (location)" statement
actually put the data somewhere else??  I don't understand why that
would be the case.  What is actually being done with the data in each
case, and how do the two statements differ??

von Spencer O. (ntfreak)

Attached files:

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Dan Miller wrote:
> Okay, I've gone back to building with gcc calling ld, vs calling ld
> directly.
> I'm using Yagarto 20080408.

Not sure what is causing your problem.
Find attached one of my linker scripts, works with arm-elf and arm-eabi


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