Hi I am rather new with the ARM-processor and and all these tools. I am using the following hardware and tools: Target: AT91SAM7X-EK Evaluation Board of ATMEL Tools: Yagarto gcc-based GNU-Toolchain (native windows) running under Eclipse Europe IDE (V BDI2000:(by Abatron), configured for ARM using B20ARMGD.EXE V1.05 My system compiles and links projects that I created from example-projects provided by ATMEL. I can modify the source, compile and link it and download the code to either flash or RAM using SAM-BA. The flash-version works as I can see from the blinking LEDs on the board (following a power up), but I do not know how to launch the program loaded into RAM. That is probably where the Debugger would come in. I have configured the debugger as shown in the attachment. The IP-Adress specified is ok - the BDI2000 answers when pinged. The port 2001 is according to the BDI-Manual. So it should work. but it does not. The consol-output of the gdb reports the following (exerpt follows): --------------------------------------- 29-gdb-show prompt 29^done,value="(gdb) " (gdb) 30-gdb-set new-console on &"No symbol \"new\" in current context.\n" 30^error,msg="No symbol \"new\" in current context." (gdb) 31-target-select remote No symbol "new" in current context. &" Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.\n" 31^error,msg=" Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte." (gdb) 32 Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. &"\n" 32^done (gdb) 33-environment-directory C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2 C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/.settings C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/Debug C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/bin C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/obj 33^done,source-path="C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2;C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/.settings;C:/ ProjDAc/ws1/My2/Debug;C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/bin;C:/ProjDAc/ws1/My2/obj;$cdi r;$cwd" (gdb) 34 info threads --------------------------------------- Hence no connection with the BDI. What's wrong? Thanks and best regards Robert
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