Hi, Please let me know how to specify multiple output variables in ARM asm code. My problem is conversion of the following C code to ARM asm - C Code - t0 = abs(t0); sc += (t0 > 0); I want to convert this to assembly. The following is one of the possible implementations. But this implementation doesnt allow to have both 't0' and 'sc' as outputs - asm ( "CMP %2, #0\n\t" "RSBLT %1, %2, #0\n\t" "ADDNE %0, %0, #1" : "=&r" (sc), "=r" (t0) : "r" (t0) ); Can anyone suggest me a way to have both 'to' and 'sc' as output variables without writing separate asm codes for the two steps...
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