I use GNUARM gcc 4.1.1, and I compile for arm966e-s (str912) I have a linker error: /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/libgcc.a(_divs i3.o) uses FPA instructions, whereas demo_arm966s.elf does not /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../ar m-elf/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/libgcc.a(_divs i3.o) /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../ar m-elf/bin/ld: ERROR: /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/libgcc.a(_dvmd _tls.o) uses FPA instructions, whereas demo_arm966s.elf does not /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../ar m-elf/bin/ld: failed to merge target specific data of file /cygdrive/c/programmi/gnuarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/libgcc.a(_dvmd _tls.o) the compiler command lines are the sam for all files: arm-elf-gcc -c -mcpu=arm966e-s -I. -gstabs -DROM_RUN -Wall -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wimplicit -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wredundant-decls -Wreturn-type -Wshadow -Wunused -Wa,-adhlns=main.lst -I./libstr91x/include -O3 -MD -MP -MF .dep/main.o.d -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -std=gnu99 main.c -o main.o and the linker command line is: arm-elf-gcc -mcpu=arm966e-s -I. -gstabs -DROM_RUN -Wall -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual -Wimplicit -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wredundant-decls -Wreturn-type -Wshadow -Wunused -Wa,-adhlns=startup.lst -I./libstr91x/include -O3 -MD -MP -MF .dep/demo_arm966s.elf.d startup.o vector.o main.o vectors.o --output demo_arm966s.elf -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map=demo_arm966s.map,--cref -lgcc -Llibstr91x -lstr91x -Trom912.ld Any idea? How can I avoid this problem? thanks
There are multiple libraries built for different architectures. Since your device almost certainly has no FPA hardware you don't want an FPA supporting library. I am not sure why your build is picking up an FPA library, but in the past when this has occurred, it has been solved by specifying -nostdlib and then linking the required libraries explicitly (you;ll normally need at least libgcc.a and probably libc.a, and possibly libm.a linked in the order -lm -lc -lgcc after any additional libraries you might link).
There is something strange: If I compile changing from -mcpu=arm966e-s to -mcpu=arm7tdmi all works, and the linker uses the same libraries. I don't think that arm7tdmi has FPA instructions and arm9 don't. I cannot understand. I tried also 2 different versione of yagarto (gcc 4.1.1 and 4.2.2) with the same results. I will try with -nostdlib, but I don't think that this can solve the problem thanks
Massimiliano Cialdi wrote: > I will try with -nostdlib, but I don't think that this can solve the > problem It worked for this guy: in a similar situation. http://en.mikrocontroller.net/topic/126973 The point is that if you do not specify -nostdlib, the linker will select a library depending upon architecture settings, and it seems to be getting it wrong.
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