
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools eclipse and OpenOCD

von Harold R. (hlritter)

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I have been attempting to get Yagarto set up to perform the way I like
it. One thing I have noticed is that when I want to debug I first run
openocd as an external tool. Afterwords if I want to reprogram my mcu it
also makes a call to openocd but with a different config file for
burning the flash.

The problem is that if I first debug. Then make edits and want to
reprogram the mcu I must first exit eclipse to kill the openocd that is
currently running. If I try to reprogram the mcu (runs openocd) while
openocd is already running the process fails.

So my question is this. Is there a way to kill the openocd process that
is currently running from inside eclipse and without exiting Eclipse?

von Michael F. (mifi)

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Hello Harold,

which CPU you are using? The latest version of OpenOCD r278 and
a GDB which is compiled with the expat feature could write the
flash of the CPU from inside the Eclipse too.

It is a feature of the GDB, here the load command will flash the
CPU. Unfortunately I have not create a YAGARTO Version up to now
which will support it. I have here only a test version.

If you send me your eMail address, I could send you a patch for
YAGARTO and the latest OpenOCD for testing.

Best regards,


von Harold R. (hlritter)

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Michael Fischer wrote:
> Hello Harold,
> which CPU you are using? The latest version of OpenOCD r278 and
> a GDB which is compiled with the expat feature could write the
> flash of the CPU from inside the Eclipse too.
> It is a feature of the GDB, here the load command will flash the
> CPU. Unfortunately I have not create a YAGARTO Version up to now
> which will support it. I have here only a test version.
> If you send me your eMail address, I could send you a patch for
> YAGARTO and the latest OpenOCD for testing.
> Best regards,
> Michael

Thanks Michael!


My environment:

Xverve Signalyzer

I have been using a combination of your How To articles and James
Lynch's tutorial Rev C. I modified the .script file to erase the flash
prior to programming it.

Also the JPL tutorial says to check the box that says "Stop on startup
at:" while creating the debug launch. My eclipse did not have this box
so I modified the run commands to the GDB to creat a break point at
main, then continue, then clear the breakpoint at main. This got me the
desired effect that when I launch the debugger the start up code runs
and the program is halted at the first line of code in the main

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