
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Symbols issue (AT91SAM7SE + Yagarto 3.3.1+ Jlink GDB server)

von Jerome J. (joeman)

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Hello All
I'm having some issues to debug a small project based on Yagarto Eclipse with AT91SAM7SE512.

The project compiles fine for both FLASH and SRAM targets.
I'm now trying to debug the FLASH version and I get the following erros

- I commented the -Oo section
- I launch the Jlink GDB server > OK
- I created a debug config (from the Zylin embeeded native) pointing to
myproject_flash.elf, arm-elf-gdb.exe
in the init/command section I have set
target remote localhost:2331
monitor reset 1
- I launch the debug configuration created as described above.
The console mentions
target remote localhost:2331
0x10361000 in ?? ()
monitor reset 1
Resetting target (halt with breakpoint @ address 0)
- The program is now suspended, I hit the "resume" button to start
debbuging but when I pause the debugger I have the following error :

- Thread [0] (Suspended: Signal 'SIGTRAP' received. Description:
Trace/breakpoint trap.)
  1 <symbol is not available> 0x40241000

So it seems there are no symbol available for debugging my project !
If somebody can explain me what I'm missing !?
Any help would be greatly appreciated since I'm now stuck on this issue!

I've tried to follow the 198 pages tutorial to successfuly use GCC with
ATMEL AT91, but the yagarto version described in this document is
different than mine, and it seems symbols are no more available in the
main.out file but now embeeded into the ELF file ?

Please help !
Thanks to all

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