I was attempting to build a very simple example using arm-elf-g++ and got a bunch of compliation errors that look like this: --------------- BEGIN ERROR --------------------- Building file: ../vector1.cpp Invoking: Cygwin C++ Compiler arm-elf-g++ -I"C:\cppLibs\mtl4" -I"C:\cppLibs\boost_1_34_1" -I"C:\cygwin\opt\ecos\ecos-cvs\tmp\install\include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -MD -MMD -MP -MF"vector1.d" -MT"vector1.d" -o"vector1.o" "../vector1.cpp" c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:46: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:47: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:48: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:48: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:49: error: '_N' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:50: error: '_X' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:50: error: '_N' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:51: error: '_S' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:52: error: '_P' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:52: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:52: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:52: error: '_N' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:52: error: '_B' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:53: error: '_P' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:53: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:53: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:53: error: '_N' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:54: error: '_C' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:55: error: '_P' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:56: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:56: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/arm-elf/bits/ctype_base.h:56: error: '_N' was not declared in this scope make: *** [vector1.o] Error 1 -------------- END ERROR ------------------------------ The source code doesn't do anything but simply including <iostream> is all that is needed to generate the error. I'm new to all this so any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Maybe a namespace-problem. Did you check if a simple compiles with the native compiler/toolchain of your host (typically just named, not the cross-compiler arm-*-gcc)?
Martin Thomas wrote: > Maybe a namespace-problem. Did you check if a simple compiles with the > native compiler/toolchain of your host (typically just named, not the > cross-compiler arm-*-gcc)? Thanks for the reply Martin. I was able to successfully compile my code using the standard g++ rather than arm-elf-g++. I'm not clear on how this would be indicative of a namespace problem. As a quick experiment I edited ctype_base.h to remove the references to the undeclared variables and it compiled successfully but I got the following error while linking: ------------- BEGIN ERROR ----------------- arm-elf-g++ -nostartfiles -nostdlib -L"C:\cygwin\opt\ecos\ecos-cvs\tmp\install\lib" -Ttarget.ld -Wl,-Map=map.txt -mcpu=arm9tdmi -Wl,--gc-sections -g -o"vector1.exe" ./vector1.o ./vector1.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0': c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/iostream:76: undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()' c:\cygwin\opt\winarm\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/../../../../include/c+ +/4.1.1/iostream:76: undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::~Init()' ----------------- END ------------------------ Any thoughts? I was optimistically hoping it would be fairly straight-forward to get this simple example working. I guess I was a little naive. :-)
Juke Johnson wrote: > As a quick experiment I edited ctype_base.h to remove the references to > the undeclared variables and it compiled successfully but I got the > following error while linking: I am sure you realise that that is not a solution (although such things are often useful in finding the cause). The standard headers work. If they fail, something else is wrong. I note that you are using Cygwin but have a folder called 'winarm'. Would I be right to assume that you have WinARM installed under Cygwin? WinARM does not need Cygwin (in my opinion its greatest asset Cygwin causes more problems than it solves in my opinion especially if you use more than one tool that relies upon it to work). Moreover, even if not working in a Bash shell, if the Windows environment has references to the native toolchain it may use that (or worse - parts of that) when you did not intend it to. The GCC toolchain will use a number of environment variables to affect where it gets files from. If your Cygwin environment is set up for native compilation on the host, those environment variables may cause GCC to access the host target files rather than the ARM target files. The 'missing' constants are #define'ed in ..\WinARM\arm-elf\include\ctype.h. I grep'ed on "[^_0-9a-zA-Z]_U[^_0-9a-zA-Z]" to find that. Actually grep is too hardcore for me ;-), I used an editor that had a regular expression file search facility. If you have any other ctype.h anywhere on your system that does not define _U (or any of the other masks), then that is likely what you have picked up and your environment is not correctly configured for cross-compilation. The alternative is that you just have the wrong version of ctype.h perhaps. Clifford
For the information of others experiencing this issue : I experienced a similar issue (http://pastebin.com/4DAbYB8T). In my case it seemed that the problem was caused by environment variables, namely "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" and maybe "C_INCLUDE_PATH". These variables contained paths to my system C++ includes which, I guess, were interfering with the armabi platform includes. I simply unset those two env. variables. Redgis
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