
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools at91sam7256, C-strartup file

von Roman M. (romez777)

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I've got a reference code of USB-CDC driver from atmel.com. Code
originally was written for ARM Keil, and I'm trying to port it on

I'm done with CDC and USB parts (with a few modifications they're
compiled without errors and warnings), but still having troubles with
C-startup code.
It's written entirely in ARM assembler, which I almost don't know, and I
look at TWI appnote C startup code for reference.

This is one of problems I'm facing:

IMPORT  |Image$$RO$$Limit|    ; End of ROM code
IMPORT  |Image$$RW$$Base|     ; Start of RAM data
IMPORT  |Image$$RW$$Limit|    ; End of RAM data

How to port this on GCC. I've read through ARM manuals on arm.com and
guess (just guess), that this may be implemented via linker's file
(where sections are defined, entry point etc.).

If anyone has done it already, please respond this mail, I'd appreciate
a lot.

von Clifford S. (clifford)

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WinARM includes an example AT91SAM7 project (albeit for a smaller part).
Use that startup code and linker script, and simply modify the linker
script to reflect the different memory size.


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