
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools RTOS.

von Amit C. (aseem)

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         I dont know any thing about RTOS so please can any one help me
for this. How to start, or any link for learning basics of RTOS and
implimentation on LPC2148 ARM controller.


von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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Take a look at FreeRTOS. It comes with an example for the LPC2148.

von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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Also google for TNKernel. TNKernel comes with example-applications for
various ARM-based controllers including LPC2k. You can learn much from
the manual, the RTOS source-code and the examples but it may not be a
good starting point to learn the basics for this you may start with the
Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTOS .

von Amit C. (aseem)

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Martin Thomas wrote:
> Also google for TNKernel. TNKernel comes with example-applications for
> various ARM-based controllers including LPC2k. You can learn much from
> the manual, the RTOS source-code and the examples but it may not be a
> good starting point to learn the basics for this you may start with the
> Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTOS .

Hi Martin,

    Thanks for the link. From this I found a lots of Basics of RTOS

Amit Chatre

von Amit C. (aseem)

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Andreas S. wrote:
> Take a look at FreeRTOS. It comes with an example for the LPC2148.

Hi Andreas,

   Thanks for this.
Amit Chatre.

von Clifford S. (clifford)

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You might also consider obtaining the Jean Labrosse book "MicroC/OS-II".
It describes in minute detail the workings of a simple RTOS kernel with
source code. The early chapters describe RTOS and other types of
executice in some detail. Use of the supplied kernel is free for
non-commercial use. It is incredibly comprehensive and well written
book. I recommend it.



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