
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools OBJCOPY warning?

von Dustin S. (dbrazeau)

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I'm getting a warning from objcopy and was just wondering what it means,
and if it could cause problems.

This is the warning that I get several time :
BFD: Temp.elf: warning: Empty loadable segment detected, is this
intentional ?

Here is the section of my link file that uses it :
        @cp Final.elf Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -g      Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  STACKS    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  DATA_CACHE_A  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  DATA_CACHE_B  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  VARS_LOW  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  VARS_HI    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  END_OF_MEMORY  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL0IF0    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL0IF1    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL0SATA0  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL0SATA1  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL0EXPROM  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL1IF0    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL1IF1    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL1SATA0  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL1SATA1  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  MVL1EXPROM  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic0_Mem  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic0_Rom  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic0_IO  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic1_Mem  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic1_Rom  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  QLogic1_IO  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  UART0    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  UART1    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  INTERRUPTS  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  FRAM_AREA  Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R  XSCALE    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -R .comment    Temp.elf
  @$(OBJDUMP) -h      Temp.elf
  @$(OBJCOPY) -O srec    Temp.elf Final.srec
  @$(OBJCOPY) -O binary    Temp.elf Final.bin
  @$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex     Temp.elf Final.hex


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