Greetings: I am an Eclipse newbee and I have a problem viewing some ranges of peripheral register addresses in memory view. When a register is located near the base address of peripheral and thus near unused address space memory view often fails. It fills the entire memory view block with "????????" and flips back to the console. It appears that the memory view refresh attempts to load empty address space because it loads a +/-256 byte block each time it refreshes. When ever this block extends into unused address space the failure occurs making it impossible to read peripheral registers located near the base address. For example consider timer2 in the LPC2103 which has a base address of 0xE007 0000 I cannot read the value in the TC register located at 0xE007 0008 as when I enter this address into the "Memory Monitor" window the view attempts to load 256 bytes below the target address which extends into unused space. I wonder if there is a way that I can specify the range of addresses I wish to view. For example for timer2 I would like to specify it load only the timer2 memory space which would be from 0xE0070000 to 0xE0074074 or a portion thereof. My Eclipse online help does not work. I get an "HTTP Status 500 -" error report that indicates the server encountered an internal error. I wonder if the Eclipse help system is broken or if it is my installation? Any suggestions? Please provide me the command syntax for entering a specified range if this feature is provided. Is there documentation on Eclipse that would cover its use for ARMGCC development where I could find this information. Many thanks in advance! Tom Alldread
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