
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Linker Problem lpc2138

von Sebastian (Guest)

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I use the WinIDEA software and make a new projekt with the
lpc2138_uart0_irq projektfiles. I use the external make
\winarm\utils\bin\make.exe from the WinARM download files.
Now the Problem:
the linker doesn' t work in a correct way.
The funktions do not have the right adresses.
Where mußt I serge the problem? In the crt0.S, LPC2138-ROM.ld or in the
Is it a problem of the linker?
Or is it a problem of the address room in the crt0.s file?

Thanks for your answers.

von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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Sebastian wrote:
> Hello,
> I use the WinIDEA software and make a new projekt with the
> lpc2138_uart0_irq projektfiles. I use the external make
> \winarm\utils\bin\make.exe from the WinARM download files.

I have never used this IDE so I can only provide some hints.  I suggest
to ask the iSystems support.

> Now the Problem:
> the linker doesn' t work in a correct way.
> The funktions do not have the right adresses.
> Where mußt I serge the problem? In the crt0.S, LPC2138-ROM.ld or in the
> makefile?
> Is it a problem of the linker?
> Or is it a problem of the address room in the crt0.s file?

Can you build the project correctly from the command-line? Are you sure
the the correct makefile is used? Is there any output of the build
process shown? Which toolchain is used?

von Sebastian (Guest)

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if I programm the code with your ISP Files it works great.
If I program your code in the IDEA with the external makefile it works
great too.( I do not wrote it before, sorry)
But if I modify the code and Init timer2 and start a Interrupt service
routine, the programm does not work any longer. I mean the problem is by
activating the ISR.
Now I think the problem is anyway in the crt0.s file.
The programm stopped in the last 6 lines in this part of the code:
(undefined, data abort, programm abort)

// Runtime Interrupt Vectors
// -------------------------
        b     _start                    // reset - _start
        ldr   pc,_undf                  // undefined - _undf
        ldr   pc,_swi                   // SWI - _swi
        ldr   pc,_pabt                  // program abort - _pabt
        ldr   pc,_dabt                  // data abort - _dabt
        nop                             // reserved
        ldr   pc,[pc,#-0xFF0]           // IRQ - read the VIC
        ldr   pc,_fiq                   // FIQ - _fiq

#if 0
// Use this group for production
_undf:  .word _reset                    // undefined - _reset
_swi:   .word _reset                    // SWI - _reset
_pabt:  .word _reset                    // program abort - _reset
_dabt:  .word _reset                    // data abort - _reset
_irq:   .word _reset                    // IRQ - _reset
_fiq:   .word _reset                    // FIQ - _reset

// Use this group for development
_undf:  .word __undf                    // undefined
_swi:   .word __swi                     // SWI
_pabt:  .word __pabt                    // program abort
_dabt:  .word __dabt                    // data abort
_irq:   .word __irq                     // IRQ
_fiq:   .word __fiq                     // FIQ

__undf: b     .                         // undefined
__swi:  b     .                         // SWI
__pabt: b     .                         // program abort
__dabt: b     .                         // data abort
__irq:  b     .                         // IRQ
__fiq:  b     .                         // FIQ
        .size _boot, . - _boot

What could it be?
Thanks a lot and a nice weekend.

von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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Sebastian wrote:
> if I programm the code with your ISP Files it works great.
> If I program your code in the IDEA with the external makefile it works
> great too.( I do not wrote it before, sorry)
> But if I modify the code and Init timer2 and start a Interrupt service
> routine, the programm does not work any longer. I mean the problem is by
> activating the ISR.

In the default setup of the mentioned example UART0 is used in
"interrupt-mode". So if the UART ist working as expected the interrupt
setup in "core-level" should be correct.

I expect the problem is caused by your modifications and additional
functions (timer-init, timer-ISR). Difficult to help without looking at
your code. Make sure to follow the scheme of creating an ISR with
"exit/entry"-macros and "nacked"-attribut since this is the method used
in this example (see uartISR.h/.c armVIC.h/.c).

> Now I think the problem is anyway in the crt0.s file.

I don't think so but more information on you modifications is needed

> The programm stopped in the last 6 lines in this part of the code:
> (undefined, data abort, programm abort)

In which of the "endless loops"?


Martin Thomas

von Sebastian (Guest)

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Hello Martin Thomas,
hier der Code für den Timer:

// Setup für Timer1 Initialisierung
void Setup_Timer1(void)
     T1IR = 0x000000FF;      // Interrupt Register
     T1TCR = 0x00000011;     // Timer Control Register
     T1TCR = 0x00000001;
     T1CTCR = 0x00000000;    // Count Control Register
     T1PR = 0x0000000E;      //Timer1 prescale   0x00000800 origin
     T1MR0 = 0x03E8;         //Timer1 match Reg 0
     T1MCR = 0x00000003;     //Reset and interrupt match
     T1EMR &= 0x00000000;

// Setup für Timer Interrupts
void Setup_Timer1_Int(void)
     VICSoftIntClear  = 0x00000020;
     VICSoftIntClear  = 0x00000000;

     VICIntSelect &= ~VIC_BIT(VIC_TIMER1);       // IRQ to timer1
     VICIntEnable = VIC_BIT(VIC_TIMER1);         //Timer0 interrupt
     VICVectCntl3 = VIC_ENABLE | VIC_TIMER1;     //Interrupt source
     VICVectAddr3 = (unsigned)Int_Irq_Timer1;    // Address of the ISR

and here the ISR:

 // Timer Interrupt Funktion
 void Int_Irq_Timer1(void)

    ISR_ENTRY();   // armVIC.c

     T1IR = 0xFF;
     T1IR = 0;

     time_counter++;        // interrupt counter

     VICVectAddr = 0x00000000;   //reset VIC
     ISR_EXIT();   // armVIC.c       // recover registers and return


this Code is from an example from winIDEA. there it works without a
I didn't touch your code in any way.

>> The programm stopped in the last 6 lines in this part of the code:
>> (undefined, data abort, programm abort)
> In which of the "endless loops"?

The loop is:
__dabt: b     .     // data abort

I hope you can help me now.

von Sebastian (Guest)

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I looked again and the programm stopped in several endless loops:

 In which of the "endless loops"?

 The loop is:
 __dabt: b     .     // data abort
 __undf: b     .      // undefined
__pabt: b     .      // program abort


von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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add the "naked" function-attribute and give it a try:

void Int_Irq_Timer1(void) __attribute__((naked));
void Int_Irq_Timer1(void)

von Sebastian (Guest)

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Hello Martin Thomas,

thanks for your help, now it works.

what a little mistake.....


Thanks a lot!!!!

Martin Thomas wrote:
> add the "naked" function-attribute and give it a try:
> void Int_Irq_Timer1(void) __attribute__((naked));
> void Int_Irq_Timer1(void)
> {
>   ...

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