
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Boot Loader for SAM7A3

von Jim K. (ancaritha)

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Hi everyone.  I need to write a boot loader for the SAM7A3.
Unfortunately, it does not contain the boot loader ROM like most of the
other SAM7 series, so I have to write my own.  Atmel provides the binary
for the SAM7A3, but I have been unable to find the source code for it
(if it exists).  I saw someone mention the SAM7X had the source code
available for its boot loader, and if I could locate that I'm fairly
certain I could adapt it to the SAM7A3, but I have been unable to locate
this as well!  Does anyone know of, or have, the boot loader code for
either the SAM7A3 or SAM7X?

I posted a request for the code of the AT91 forums as well, but I've
noticed that posts there don't get answered as often, and even if they
do the people here are often much faster.


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