
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Problems with Yagarto/Eclipse/C++ Programming

von Flying A. (flying)

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I am working with yagarto eclipse ide, i am trying to write simple
programs for AT91SAMX256 Olimex board.

I tried to flash the sample program written in c it works fine.

Now i like to do my programming in c++.

What things i need to chnage for example makefile , compiler.

I am using the compiler arm-elf-g++ and the main file to .cpp extension.

I will be really thankful if anyone can help me out in this issue.

Have a nice day ahead.


von Jonathan D. (dumarjo)

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Rajitha Dandu wrote:
> Hi
> I am working with yagarto eclipse ide, i am trying to write simple
> programs for AT91SAMX256 Olimex board.
> I tried to flash the sample program written in c it works fine.
> Now i like to do my programming in c++.
> What things i need to chnage for example makefile , compiler.
> I am using the compiler arm-elf-g++ and the main file to .cpp extension.
> I will be really thankful if anyone can help me out in this issue.
> Have a nice day ahead.
> Regards
> Flying

look on winarm example web page. I'm sure you will find a sample for
this with the correct ld file and startup file.

I know you have to put some thing there but since i have never
programmed in c++ on micro i can't help you much with this.

good luck


von Flying A. (flying)

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Jonathan Dumarjo wrote:
> Rajitha Dandu wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am working with yagarto eclipse ide, i am trying to write simple
>> programs for AT91SAMX256 Olimex board.
>> I tried to flash the sample program written in c it works fine.
>> Now i like to do my programming in c++.
>> What things i need to chnage for example makefile , compiler.
>> I am using the compiler arm-elf-g++ and the main file to .cpp extension.
>> I will be really thankful if anyone can help me out in this issue.
>> Have a nice day ahead.
>> Regards
>> Flying
> look on winarm example web page. I'm sure you will find a sample for
> this with the correct ld file and startup file.
> I know you have to put some thing there but since i have never
> programmed in c++ on micro i can't help you much with this.
> good luck
> Jonathan

Thank you for your response.

I tried on WinArm Projects page .I got a linker script for other target
board , but i dont know how to change the memory locations according to
my Target board .
I have a Olimex borad with AT91SAM256.

It gives error 'no memory section defined for loadable section'.

Please help me to fix this error if anyone of you have any idea.

I will be thankful to you if you can provide me any information
regarding the Linker Scripts, makefile and the settings which i need to
do for c++ programming with Yagarto.

Have a nice day ahead.


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