
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools about freeRTOS

von Dharmendra V. (dharmendra)

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Hi all,

i have board of ARM7 of philips microcontroller LPC2138. i wanted to
port freeRTOS to this board. i have download zip file of freeRTOS from
www.freeRTOS.com. but now how do port this to my arm board.

if any body have complete documentation to port this RTOS on ARM7 please
share documents and idear regarding same.

i would gragteful to you


von Martin Thomas (Guest)

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Dharmendra Vasadia wrote:
> i have board of ARM7 of philips microcontroller LPC2138. i wanted to
> port freeRTOS to this board. i have download zip file of freeRTOS from
> www.freeRTOS.com. but now how do port this to my arm board.
> if any body have complete documentation to port this RTOS on ARM7 please
> share documents and idear regarding same.

I have no "complete documentation" but it's not difficult to port one of
the other Examples for the LPC2000-series to LPC2138.

I have ported the LPC2106/Olimex-Board-example that comes with FreeRTOS
to LPC2138/Keil MCB2130-Board:

A "diff" between the original code and my modified version should
provide some hints.

Martin Thomas

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