
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools problem compiling a ucos_II file

von Jonathan D. (dumarjo)

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hi all,

I just try to recompile a project that i have done in the past. When i
try to recompile, il get this error:

Compiling C: ../Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/SOURCE/os_sem.c

arm-elf-gcc -c -mthumb -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mthumb-interwork -I. -gstabs
-DROM_RUN -DGCC_AT91SAM7S -DRUN_FROM_ROM -O0 -Wall -Wcast-align
-I../Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/SOURCE -MD -MP -MF .dep/os_sem.o.d
../Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/SOURCE/os_sem.c -o

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s: Assembler messages:

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:252: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemAccept' {.text section} - `OSSemAccept' {.text section}

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:399: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemCreate' {.text section} - `OSSemCreate' {.text section}

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:743: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemDel' {.text section} - `OSSemDel' {.text section}

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:966: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemPend' {.text section} - `OSSemPend' {.text section}

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:1096: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemPost' {.text section} - `OSSemPost' {.text section}

c:\DOCUME~1\dumarjo\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccaYaaaa.s:1388: Error: can't resolve
`OSSemQuery' {.text section} - `OSSemQuery' {.text section}

make: *** [../Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/SOURCE/os_sem.o] Error 1

what is this error message ?

thoses function are in this file


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