
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools SAM7A3 USB example?

von Jim K. (ancaritha)

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I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find an interrupt based USB
example for the SAM7A3.  I found one for the RM9200, but said that's
based on the ARM9 and uses a nifely little assembly command that doesn't
work on the ARM7.  It also does things a LOT differently than the SAM7
usb examples that I could find.  None of those USB examples were
interrupt driven though, so I don't know if thats the difference or if
its an ARM7 vs ARM9 coding difference.

Yea so basically, anyone know where I can find an interrupt driven USB
example for the SAM7A3?  Preferably for the Communication Device Class,
but thats not a necessity :)

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