Hi everyone, I compile a small C programm to test if initialized data will be put in data section and non initialized data in bss section. int a=5; int b; int c; int d; int titi() { int i; int f=8; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { a=a++; } b=a; } And I'm surprised to see that initialized datas were put in data section after the compilation step (I can see it in toto.s) but even after linking, there is still no bss section. I'm using gcc and I notice that with arm-elf-objdump -h toto.elf I can see there is a .bss section and a .stack section but I can't see it with arm-elf-objdump -D toto.elf I see only .text and .data section. Maybe is it because there is no assembler inside it but I remember that with -D i was able to see .data section even there is nothing inside it. With nm toto.elf I can see that there is symbol b,c,d with B letter so it seems these value are inside BSS section. Thanks for your help
The .bss section of an object file contains no valid data, so it isn't meaningful to disassemble this section. Think of the .bss section entry as a information for the linker "object abc in object file xyz needs klm bytes memory" only. You can use objdump with option -h (aka --section-header or --header) to display summary information from the section headers of the object file. http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/binutils/binutils_6.html
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