Hello guys, I got my SD card software working fine, but now I have a problem with locking a SD card programmaticaly. I use the command CMD42 to set a password and to lock and unlock. I've tried several times, but nothing seems to happen. Everything seems to work, but it's like just nothing happens. So I was wondering if you guys managed to lock the card with CMD42 (not the mechanical switch lock). If you did it, would you please post the piece of code here? I hope this feature is not limited, because of not having a license for it. I use the following hardware: SD-micro of 1GB, normal SD of 1GB ARM microcontroller (AT91SAM7A3) IAR 4.41 Compiler. Thank you very much.
According to SD card specification CMD42 is an optional optional and may not be implemented by all manufacturers. What card are you using?
Toshiba states under CMD42: "CMD42 LOCK_UNLOCK - Card Lock/Unlock Function is not implemented." So if your card is from Toshiba it would not work. Sandisk, however seems to support CMD42 Best regards Mike
The CMD42 is optional in Version 1.01 and 1.10 and mandatory from Version 2.00.
Thanks for your responses my friends, I use only Sandisk cards (I use microSD which belongs to Version 2.00 and higer) but that seems not to work. Also I can't find any software for WinXP to do a software lock based on password for those SD cards, just to make sure that it works. It's realy strange that there is almost no information about it except in the Sandisk documentation (which is very limited to text only). Hope someone can tell me more about it.
Ther are some informations to the SD-card commands on http://www.sdcard.org/about/memory_card/pls/ see 4.3.7 Card Lock/Unlock Operation have you checked Card Status after sendig the command? perhaps ther are some information wat is going wrong. see 4.10.1 Card Status for more information
Hi Termite, I already have done that, that's how I managed to read/write SDHC cards. That's why it's a real problem to me, because using the documentation is the only information I have about lock/unlock the SD card. It's a bit confusing... Please if someone else implement the lock/unlock piece, please share with me the source, or at least what things should I do. Cause it doesn't work accoording to the Simplify spec doc from Sandisk. Thank you.
Please check the card State after sending the lock comand. After locking a card you have to unplug the card to check if the lock is working. please check if you are in the correct state to send the command. You can see it in the card state. please check block length and paswort length. you know that you have to send the compleat block length (2^n) data for the command? you have to set block length befor sending the command data. and you have to send as many data you have specified in block length. non used data can be filled with dummy byts.
Thanks Termite, Ok, there can be several reasons why it couldn't work. Like you said, the length of datablok. I just used 4 bytes, one is for mode, one is for passwordlen and two for the password. I used as password: 0xAAAA. But I also include 2 bytes of CRC16 value, but set datablock length is just 4 bytes. I get no error, the response of CMD42 = 0b00000000000000000000100100000000 When I ask the card for the card-status I get: 0b00000000000000000000110100000000 Another reason could be that I switched off CRC check at the very beginning, while CMD42 uses CRC16 on the dataline.
Hello, Has anyone tried the software lock/unlock command (CMD42) succesfully? Because I don't, and I'm so tired and stressed of waisting my boss's time. I've tried everything, but that damned command is not working for me. I realy hope someone can give me a golden tip. Thank you.
Hello guys, I recently tried to get lock/unlock the SD card again, but with no succes. So is there anybody who got the lock/unlock working for the SD card? I've searched the whole web, read SD documentation again and again with another guy from my work, but I still can't manage to get it work. Also it seems there is nobody on this planet who manages to lock an SD card with a password and than unlock it again. Even Linux or Windows don't have the possibility to protect the SD card with lock command. Also there is no software that can do that, even commercial ones. So I seriously doubt wether CMD42 (lock/unlock) is actually working. So I dare to challenge really good embedded experts that they can't get the CMD42 working. So experts, prove me I'm totally wrong, I really offer you to disgrace me as much as you can. Thank you.
HI I tested the lock/unlock function ,and it worked. I used to want to help you ,but I'am an Chinese and I don't understand German-language, I tryed to login, but don't know how to login. Today while I try again, I find it's in English, my English is poor, but I know some simple words. At first you should check out whether your SD card support lock/unlock. I have three SD cards tested, two from panasonic(32MB) and one from kingston(2GB),it seems the old panasonic card does not support this function, and the new kongston SD works well. You can use a mobile phone to check it. I don't know why Windows doesn't support, but my Linux phone(MOTO E6)supports. If the SD card support, you would see a "password protection". I use the MOTO E6 to lock my card, and use STM32F103VBT6 to unlock, then use STM32 to lock and E6 to unlock, both works well. I use the SPI mode. If I cound help you, please email chairang<at>126.com
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