
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog factional sorter

von basma (Guest)

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hi all
if i have two input first for codes std_logic_vector ( 0 to 7)
and the second for its time which is in integer type ,such as
00000001 ------> 125 ms
00010010 ------> 100 ms
01000100 ------> 200 ms
01111000 ------> 147 ms
and i want to sort them as the following
00010010 ------> 100 ms
00000001 ------> 125 ms
01111000 ------> 147 ms
01000100 ------> 200 ms
so, i want to sort the second input in ascending order and the 
corresponding firt input data to it
any idea plz
sorry for bad english.

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