pin planner for the output that i left blank... can help mie?? Thank you in advance...
Warning: Found 5 output pins without output pin load capacitance assignment Info: Pin "note[0]" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis Info: Pin "note[1]" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis Info: Pin "note[2]" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis Info: Pin "note[3]" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis Info: Pin "speak" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis
module music( input wire nrst, //reset signal input wire clk, //source clock 5Mhz output reg [3:0]note, //index of musical note currently being played output wire speak //sound enable ); //enable sound if current note is not zero index assign speak = (note !=0); //one musical step clock counters reg [20:0]counter; reg one_step; reg [4:0]music_time; //define length of musical step always @(posedge clk) begin if(counter==5000000/4) begin counter <= 0; one_step <= 1'b1; end else begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; one_step <= 1'b0; end end //musical time register always @(posedge clk or negedge nrst) begin if(nrst==1'b0) begin //reset music_time <= 0; note <= 0; end else begin //play music here, move musical step forward every music time step if(one_step) begin case(music_time) 0: begin note <=3; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 1: begin note <=6; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 2: begin note <=10; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 3: begin note <=6; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 4: begin note <=8; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 5: begin note <=8; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 6: begin note <=6; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 7: begin note <=5; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 8: begin note <=10; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 9: begin note <=10; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 10:begin note <=8; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 11:begin note <=8; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 12:begin note <=3; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 13:begin note <=3; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 14:begin note <=3; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end 15:begin note <=3; music_time <= music_time+1'b1; end default: //end of music begin note <= 0; music_time <= music_time; end endcase end end end endmodule
//NOTE FREQUENCY SYNTEZATOR module note_synt( input wire clk, //source clock 5Mhz input wire [3:0]note, //ID of note //output freq grid //basic freq is note A = 440Hz //every next note differs by 2^(-1/12) //C 523,2511306 Hz //C# 554,3652620 Hz //D 587,3295358 Hz //D# 622,2539674 Hz //E 659,2551138 Hz //F 698,4564629 Hz //F# 739,9888454 Hz //G 783,9908720 Hz //G# 830,6093952 Hz //A 880 Hz //A# 932,327523 Hz //H 987,7666025 Hz //C 1046,502261 Hz output reg note_clock, //generated note clock output reg [7:0]note_leds //blink LEDs ); //divide coeff reg [13:0]factor; //select divide coefficient according to current note being played always @* begin case(note) 1: begin factor = 9560; note_leds = 8'b00000001; end //C 2: begin factor = 9025; note_leds = 8'b00000011; end //C# 3: begin factor = 8518; note_leds = 8'b00000010; end //D 4: begin factor = 8039; note_leds = 8'b00000110; end //D# 5: begin factor = 7587; note_leds = 8'b00000100; end //E 6: begin factor = 7163; note_leds = 8'b00001000; end //F 7: begin factor = 6766; note_leds = 8'b00011000; end //F# 8: begin factor = 6378; note_leds = 8'b00010000; end //G 9: begin factor = 6017; note_leds = 8'b00110000; end //G# 10: begin factor = 5682; note_leds = 8'b00100000; end //A 11: begin factor = 5364; note_leds = 8'b01100000; end //A# 12: begin factor = 5066; note_leds = 8'b01000000; end //B default: begin factor = 1; note_leds = 8'b00000000; end //nothing endcase end reg eocnt; reg [13:0]cnt; always @(posedge clk) eocnt <= (cnt == factor); always @(posedge clk or posedge eocnt) begin if(eocnt) cnt <= 0; else cnt <= cnt + 1'b1; end //output sound frequency always @(posedge eocnt) note_clock <= note_clock ^ 1'b1; endmodule
1 | Info: Pin "note[0]" has no specified output pin load capacitance -- |
2 | assuming default load capacitance of 0 pF for timing analysis |
Hey, read slowly. This message is not an error. Take a look in the tool docs[1]. Duke [1]
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