
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog to_unsigned()

von Meli (Guest)

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Dear all,

I've got a problem with to_unsigned(). I'm using the code below for a 
test-bench, but an error occures while simulating the code if using 
"Enable optimization", or a FATAL error while loading the design.
My Code is:
 TDinput (line_width-1 downto 0)<= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned(43,line_width));

while TDinput is an STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, and line_width is an INTEGER.
The error is :

# ** Error: C:/Users/Melika/Desktop/Advanced VLSI/Assignment 
4/GenMux/MUX_behav/2/Generic_mux1.vhd(26): (vopt-1144) Value -7 is out 
of std.standard.natural range 0 to 2147483647.
# ** Error: C:/Users/Melika/Desktop/Advanced VLSI/Assignment 
4/GenMux/MUX_behav/2/Generic_mux1.vhd(26): (vopt-1153) Index value -7 is 
out of index range of ieee.std_logic_1164.std_logic_vector; it is less 
than 0.

Please give me a hint to resolve the problem. THANKS

von Martin (Guest)

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try this.

x  <= to_unsigned(2, x'length);

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Meli wrote:
> line_width is an INTEGER.
Is it a constant integer?
What value does it have?
Where comes the -7 from?

> Please give me a hint to resolve the problem.
The problem is not located in the posted line.
Pls. attach the complete *.vhdl file...

von Meli (Guest)

Attached files:

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@ Martin:

I've also tried that, but the same error is stucked!

@  Lothar Miller :

The line_width is a generic integer with the initial value of 8. First, 
I thought -7 is related to the inital value of the line_width, but as u 
can see in the code, it doesn't seem like it is related to that.
By the way, the whole error comments continues from -7 to -1 !!

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

Attached files:

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Lothar Miller wrote:
> Pls. attach the complete *.vhdl file...
Meli wrote:
> Attached files:
>   TB.txt
*.txt ist not *.vhdl
There is a reason why I wrote *.vhdl explicitly: the board software 
recognizes file types with the file extension, and it supports syntax 
highlighting for known file types...

Meli wrote:
> By the way, the whole error comments continues from -7 to -1 !!
The problem is not in the posted code.
I took it, added the missing component and: it simulates perfect. See 
the attached files...

> use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
> use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
> use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Use the first two or the last one, but never ever all three of them 
together! Otherwise you can observe strange messages now and then...

von Meli (Guest)

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Dear Lothar,
I didn't know about the borad software, sorry!
And thank you for your quick reply.
The line u added for the test vectors is not needed since the select 
line is 3-bit selecting between 0 to 7.
But any way, U did really help. Thank u so much.
I'm so glad that I visited your site by chance. I'm a fan from now on 

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Meli wrote:
> The line u added for the test vectors is not needed since the select
> line is 3-bit selecting between 0 to 7.
Recalculate this once more and you will see: 0..7 are 8 positions. 
Therefore 8 positions must be initialized (according to your own 
testbench). And for the highest bit position it is 8*8-1 = 63. You can 
see this in the Waveform when tsel is 7: the value 12 (i added) is 
visible on toutput...

> Thank u so much.
You're welcome... ;-)

von Meli (Guest)

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Thanks Lothar. Yeh, u'r right.
Thanks again and have fun :-D

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