
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools long calls generating in gcc

von Bartłomiej Kubica (Guest)

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I'm confused with way how long calls are generated when compiling some 
example code

#pragma long_calls
void *reserve_ram ( void **buf, unsigned int size );
void *release_ram ( void **buf );
#pragma long_calls_off

extern unsigned int *ptr;

unsigned int main (unsigned int msg)
   reserve_ram (  &ptr, msg * 4 );
   release_ram ( &ptr );

   return 0;

with following options
arm-elf-gcc -mthumb -save-temps -Os -Wall -c main.c

compiler assembled it to

  .code  16
  .file  "main.c"
  .align  2
  .global  main
  .code  16
  .type  main, %function
  push  {r4, lr}
  ldr  r4, .L3
  lsl  r1, r0, #2
  ldr  r3, .L3+4
  mov  r0, r4
  bl  .L5
  mov  r0, r4
  ldr  r3, .L3+8
  bl  .L5
  @ sp needed for prologue
  mov  r0, #0
  pop  {r4, pc}
  .align  2
  .word  ptr
  .word  reserve_ram
  .word  release_ram
  .size  main, .-_main_
  .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.3.3"
  .code 16
  .align  1
  bx  r3

SO i have a question, is any way to generate calls directly by bx/blx 
instruction?. I mean something like this
/* ... */

  push  {r4, lr}
  ldr  r4, .L3
  lsl  r1, r0, #2
  ldr  r3, .L3+4
  mov  r0, r4
  blx  r3
  mov  r0, r4
  ldr  r3, .L3+8
  blx  r3
  @ sp needed for prologue
  mov  r0, #0
  pop  {r4, pc}

/* ... */


von (prx) A. K. (prx)

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You need an ARMv5 architecture for the BLX instruction. If your have, 
tell the compiler about it.

von Bartłomiej Kubica (Guest)

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i have that architecture. Problem seems to be solved.


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