
Forum: PCB Design & Technology PCB design resources

von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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Schematic entry and PCB design software:
* "CadSoft Eagle":http://www.cadsoftusa.com/index.htm.en - free version 
for 80x100 mm available
* "Target 3001":http://www.ibfriedrich.com/ - free version available
* "Kicad":http://www.lis.inpg.fr/realise_au_lis/kicad/ - free, GPL
- free, but you have to order your boards from them

Tutorials and articles:
* You can often find lots of practical information about PCB design on 
the websites of the software vendors (see above).
* "PCB Design 
* "A Practical Guide to High-Speed Printed-Circuit-Board 
* "PCB Design Guidelines For Reduced 

To be continued. If you want to suggest any additions, please reply 

von Nickdean1 (Guest)

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Can I add DipTrace (http://www.diptrace.com/) to your list. I have been 
using it and it is excellent. It has a schematic and PCB IDE and also 
includes a component editor. The library of components and footprints 
are huge and easily searchable. A freeware version with a 250 pin limit 
is also available on a non profit licence. The PCB layout allows you to 
save all the gerber and drill and artwork files needed for PCB 
manufacture and the freeware version allows you to create a pcb with up 
to 2 layers.

von ... (Guest)

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http://www.pcb-pool.com offers a free full version of Target3001, but 
you have to order your boards from them.

von vaclavpe (Guest)

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There are another tools:
- DesignSpark PCB - http://www.designspark.com/pcb - they write that 
"most powerful free PCB Design tool available, and gives all design 
engineers access to powerful, professional-standard software at no 
cost". But then one can find "non-crippled and modified version of 
Easy-PC; a low end CAD tool from Number One Systems"
- gEDA Tools - http://www.gpleda.org/index.html - I am using this 
regularly. Nothing convinced me to leave gEDA Tools and start to use 
something else. There are some things which can be better. But IMHO it 
is everywhere.

von Robert P. (Company: SysPCB) (robertpeng)

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You can check if your Gerber files are created correctly by using the 
software called GC-prevue. This is a free Gerber viewer that can be 
downloaded from the following 

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