
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Newbie problems with arm-elf-ld

von Eric (Guest)

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Hi, I'm a complete newcomer to the WinARM tools and would appreciate
some help getting my environment set up properly.  I'm trying to get
HelloWorld to compile and link but am having problems with the link step
(using WinARM 4.1.0 on XP sp2).  FYI, I'm a BREW developer and am
basically just following the steps of this BREW WinARM tutorial:

This is my link step:

arm-elf-ld --no-warn-mismatch --emit-relocs -o helloworld.elf -L
"C:\WinARM\lib\gcc\arm-elf\4.1.0\" AEEAppGen.o AEEModGen.o helloworld.o

The error I get is:

arm-elf-ld: no input files.

If I eliminate the "-L" directive, it sees the input files just fine and
gives: "Helloworld.o: undefined reference to 'memcpy'" - as it should
with no library to link against.

My compilation command, btw, is:
arm-elf-gcc -c -DDDYNAMIC_APP  -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mapcs-frame
-mthumb-interwork -mlittle-endian -fshort-enums -fno-builtin
-fno-keep-inline-functions -I../../inc helloworld.c
../../src/AEEAppGen.c ../../src/AEEModGen.c

This is clearly a case of me not understanding something basic about the
process, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what it is.  I'd really
appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.  Thanks!

von Eric (Guest)

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Ok, got it.  Needed to remove the trailing '\' from


As for the memcpy issue, turns out it's a brew-specific issue.  If
you're interested see this:


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