
Forum: Analog Circuits Anyone know a specific electronic component which gives high freq. excitation?

von Gnay (Guest)

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Hi all,

I'm going to do a project which needs a high frequency excitation 
component, the frequency will be as high as 1MHz, and the voltage range 
is around about 5V. Does anyone know some cheap and small microchip 
which supports this function? Thanks in advance for any comments.

PS: writing German is really difficult for me however I can read so feel 
free to answer in German :-)


von Ralli (Guest)

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If you need just a stable 1MHz frequency,
watch out for crystal oscillators.
Available in DIL or SMD packages for down to one or two EURO.

von B.A. (Guest)

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von Michael L. (Guest)

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> I'm going to do a project which needs a high frequency excitation
> component, the frequency will be as high as 1MHz, and the voltage range
> is around about 5V. Does anyone know some cheap and small microchip
> which supports this function? Thanks in advance for any comments.
I guess that you are looking for a DDS-Chip (DDS = direct digital 

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