module analysis (A,B,C,F1,F2); input A,B,C; output F1,F2; wire T1,T2,T3,F2not,E1,E2,E3; or g1 (T1,A,B,C); and g2 (T2,A,B,C); and g3 (E1,A,B); and g4 (E2,A,C); and g5 (E3,B,C); or g6 (F2,E1,E2,E3); not g7 (F2not,F2); and g8 (T3,T1,F2not); or g9 (F1,T2,T3); endmodule //Stimulus to analyze the circuit module test_circuit; reg [2:0]D; wire F1,F2; analysis a(D[2],D[1],D[0],F1,F2); initial begin D = 3'b000; repeat(7) #10 D = D + 1'b1; end initial $monitor ("ABC = %b F1 = %b F2 =%b ", D, F1, F2); endmodule